Monday, February 16, 2009

Stargate Glyphs - 14 - 26

Here are the second set of 13 knitting charts for the stargate glyphs - enjoy!
14 - Microscopium
15 - Capricornus

16 - Piscis Austrinus0

17 - Equules

18 - Aquarius

19 - Pegasus
20 - Sculptor

21 - Pisces

22 - Andromeda

23 - Triangulum

24 - Aries

25 - Perseus

26 - Cetus

Monday, February 9, 2009

Knit Example - Eye of Ra

Not the best pictures, but I made an Eye of Ra dishcloth.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stargate Glyphs - 1-13

I couldn't get a table to work well with Blogger for some reason, so I decided to break these into three sets. I've got 1-13 done now, and here they are. Let me know what you think!
1 - Point of Origin - Earth
2 - Crater
3 - Virgo
4 - Bootes
5 - Centaurus
6 - Libra
7 - Serpens Caput
8 - Norma
9 - Scorpius
10 - Corona Australis
11 - Scutum
12 - Sagittarius
13 - Aquila