Friday, December 4, 2009

Finally! The Last of the Stargate Glyphs!

Sorry this took so long - here are the final 13 Stargate Glyph Charts.

27 - Taurus
28 - Auriga
29 - Eridanus
30 - Orion31 - Canus Minor
32 - Monoceros
33 - Gemini
34 - Hydra

35 - Lynx 36 - Cancer 37 - Sextans 38 - Leo Minor 39 - Leo

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Twisted Chain Link Fingerless Gloves

This Pattern Has Now Been Re-Written! Please Go Here for the Updated Version!

I made the first pair of these for my mom for her birthday. I cast on and just made it up as I went. The second pair I made are longer, with an extra repeat in the cable pattern before adding the thumb. I don'd have good pictures of them yet.

The cable pattern is fun and simple; an easy one to learn how to do cables without a cable needle.

This is my first real pattern, so please let me know if you find any problems!

appox. 1/2 a skein Caron Simply Soft Eco or other Worsted Weight yarn
Size 7 dpns
Stitch Marker
Waste Yarn or Stitch Holder

Cable Pattern
You can do the cables in the same direction on both mitts, or make them twist in the opposite direction. It's not a large change, but can be a way to avoid the second-mitt curse.

Left Cable Pattern

1. *p2,rt/prt, repeat from* until end of row
2. *p2, k2, repeat from* until end of row
3. *cl,cr, p2, repeat from* until end of row
4. *k2, p2, repeat from* until end of row
5. *rt/prt, p2, repeat from* until end of row
6. *k2, p2, repeat from* until end of row
7. *k2, p2, repeat from* until end of row
8. *rt/prt, p2, repeat from* until end of row
9. *k2, p2, repeat from* until end of row
10. *cr,cl, p2, repeat from* until end of row
11. *p2, k2, repeat from* until end of row
12. *p2,rt/prt, repeat from* until end of row
13. *p2, k2, repeat from* until end of row
14. *p2, k2, repeat from* until end of row

Right Cable Pattern

1. *p2,lt/plt, repeat from* until end of row
2. *p2, k2, repeat from* until end of row
*cl,cr, p2, repeat from* until end of row
*k2, p2, repeat from* until end of row
*lt/plt, p2, repeat from* until end of row
6. *k2, p2, repeat from* until end of row
7. *k2, p2, repeat from* until end of row
*lt/plt, p2, repeat from* until end of row
*k2, p2, repeat from* until end of row
10. *cl,cr, p2, repeat from* until end of row
11. *p2, k2, repeat from* until end of row
*p2,lt/plt, repeat from* until end of row
*p2, k2, repeat from* until end of row
14. *p2, k2, repeat from* until end of row

Main Mitt

CO 36

Join in the Round, be careful not to twist.

Use Stitch Holder or Waste Yarn to mark begining of row

Work 12 rows in p2, k2 ribbing

Work cable pattern once.

Thumbs - Repeat Cable pattern, but add the following at the beginning of rows (before the *):

4. k2, m1, p2, m1
5. rt/prt, m1, p4, m1
6. k2, m1, p6, m1
7. k2, m1, p8, m1
8. rt/prt, m1, p10, m1
9. k2, p12

This should result in a purled thumb that falls into one of the chain holes in the cable pattern.

Finishing Main Mitt - Put 12 extra purled stitches onto waste yarn or stitch holder. Continue knitting through row 5 in cable pattern.

k2, p2 for 12 rows of ribbing. Bind off

Finishing Thumbs - Pick up 12 stitches from waste Yarn. Pick up 3 additional stitch on inside of thumb. P until inside of thumb is 1 inch. Bind off.

Weave in Ends and you're done!


I used someone's chart software on a website to make the chart and it gave me the abbreviations. It has caused some confusion. I'm going to go back and make some fixes - I'll let you know when they're done. If you click on the chart picture you now get a larger version.

In the meantime,

LT/PLT is supposed to mean put a stitch on cable needle, knit a stitch in front, then purl the stitch from cable needle.

RT/PLT is the same idea but crossing right instead of left - so you put a stitch on the cable needle, purl a stitch in back, then knit the stitch from the cable needle

The blank square on the chart is knit and the dot is purl.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Stargate Glyphs - 14 - 26

Here are the second set of 13 knitting charts for the stargate glyphs - enjoy!
14 - Microscopium
15 - Capricornus

16 - Piscis Austrinus0

17 - Equules

18 - Aquarius

19 - Pegasus
20 - Sculptor

21 - Pisces

22 - Andromeda

23 - Triangulum

24 - Aries

25 - Perseus

26 - Cetus

Monday, February 9, 2009

Knit Example - Eye of Ra

Not the best pictures, but I made an Eye of Ra dishcloth.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stargate Glyphs - 1-13

I couldn't get a table to work well with Blogger for some reason, so I decided to break these into three sets. I've got 1-13 done now, and here they are. Let me know what you think!
1 - Point of Origin - Earth
2 - Crater
3 - Virgo
4 - Bootes
5 - Centaurus
6 - Libra
7 - Serpens Caput
8 - Norma
9 - Scorpius
10 - Corona Australis
11 - Scutum
12 - Sagittarius
13 - Aquila

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stargate Glyphs - Earth Point of Origin

I am working on knitting charts for the Stargate Glyphs. I'm trying to decide if I should do them solid, as they apear on the gate, or linear, as they apear on the star gate command computer's dialing program. I did both for the Earth Point of Origin, but I don't really want to do two of all of the other 38 glyphs (more if I do other points of origin). Here are the two Earth Glyphs. I'll have others once I decide how to do them.

Earth Point of Origin (Solid)
Earth Point of Origin (Outline)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dinosaur Knitting Charts

I originally created these Dinosaur knitting charts with the intention of using them on a sweater for my husband's cousin's kid for christmas. I didn't end up doing it, but didn't want the charts to go to waste. There are two now, but I plan on making more!



Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Stargate Goa’uld Symbol Knitting Charts

A fellow Raveler was asking about a knitting chart for the Eye of Ra from Stargate. I liked the idea of it, so decided to make one. I followed up with the other Goa'uld symbols. The one I'm least happy with is Apophis... Now I just need to knit up some samples!






